Monday, December 12, 2016

Do Women Need to lower Their Starands?

Let's be honest ladies! How many times do we have a issue going on with a guy and we turn around and ask our girlfriends for advice ( I am guilty of that as well). By all means I'm not saying to not ask our besties for advice, but who better to ask than a man to give you a better insight. It's been proven that when it comes to love and relationships. Men and women honesty do live on two different planets sometimes. Wouldn't it be nice for us to live on one planet and agree on things, but then that would be boring.

Check out Brandon's interview and see what advice he had for the ladies 

Interested in doing a interview? 
Hit me up: 
snapchat: Ashhleeyyjay

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Devon Franklin and Meagan Good: The Wait

      For those of you not familiar with the book, The Wait is a powerful practice for finding the love of your life and the life you love. Some of us might be in-denial of the fact that in reality we all crave love. It's a basic human need, but sometimes we desperately crave love so bad we'll get in bad relationships, stay with people who use and abuse us and we might not even know it because we are blinded by the want of wanting love. 
      Going through a break up at the time my mother actually gave this book to me as a gift for my birthday and it couldn't have been a better time. Each page I read the more I related to the material. For a VERY long time God had been calling me to walk this journey and ignored it, and mainly because I didn't want to seem like the odd man out, or I didn't want my boyfriend to leave me etc.
      I could literally go on and on about all the feelings and emotions I had at the time,  but I  overcame it and I'm still a work in progress everyday.  I don't just want to be a voice for young single Christian women, but for all women period. We live in a time where everything is instant and we fall victim to instant gratification because mainly that's what we're use to, and our weakness then becomes patience.  
     It seems today a lot of women are comfortable with settling for whatever because their lonely, or they sleep with someone because they act based upon temporary emotions and end up regretting what they did and that feeling of emptiness returns. It returns because the void was filled for a moment which is called instant gratification. You instantly feel good until you don't. 
   Every one's reason for picking up the book is different, and I can only speak based upon my own experience. This book has helped me realize my dating patterns/behavior, take a deep look at myself and reflect. It helped me realized I didn't respect and love myself the way I should because of the situations I put myself in and continued not to learn from them.  
   Most importantly it showed me forgiving those that have hurt you can help the healing process to becoming your best self and how to date the way God desires us to. Despite what the reality shows say, despite what all these ratchet hoes say and post on Instagram; Godly dating DOES EXIST along with women with values, morals and standards, and not all men are Jerks.

25 Things The Wait taught me and helped me realize

1.  The Wait is a decision to get my mind right figure out who I want to be, what I want out of life and use my time and energy to become the best version of myself.

2. To wait is to delay temptation for instant gratification and relationships in order to get what you really want in life and become the person you truly want to be.

3. The problem is that..... what we should do is not what we want to do. 

4.  God won't leave you guessing. He will send you a sign that it's time to slow down , quite your mind and work on yourself while he labors on your behalf, but it's up to you to read the signs.

5. Change is always difficult, which is why people so often retreat into the familiar even when the familiar is awful and depressing. 

6.  When we're focused primarily on satisfying our immediate desires, we're preventing ourselves from being the best people we can be. One of the key elements of being the best people we can be is to be the healthiest person we can be. The short-term results of instant gratification might be fun but in the long term we often damage our health and ourselves. Not to mention we become like addicts chasing the next high. 

7.  The wait reminds us that while we have the power of choice much of what happens in our life is still subject to God's control.

8.  Dating is like putting on your church clothes, and if you don't ever let someone know you're less than perfect side before you get married you can spend your entire life wearing those clothes afraid to be yourself.

9.  The desire to wait is different from the ability to wait and it's a lot easier to remain celibate and delay gratification if you know you're doing it because it brings concrete benefits.

10.  Every time you give yourself to someone before marriage you give them your power.

11.   It's up to us to decide if we want to humble ourselves and submit to his plan even if it seems to lead us away from what we want the most.

12. As long as you have faith God will ensure  you will find true happiness with someone who brings out the best in you.

13. Don't be afraid to lose him, because if a man truly loves you, he's not going anywhere.

14. As a woman it's your responsibility to work on developing the fullness of who God created you to be before you give yourself to your husband. Until you do that you won't be ready to find and keep that perfect partner. God not man completes you.

15.  The process of finding your husband isn't really about finding your husband but about finding yourself as a woman. One virtual thing to remember who you think you should end up with is rarely who you end up with.

16. Waiting is an act of power it's declaring that you know and accept yourself, love yourself and trust God.

17. We fall in love with an idea of who we want someone to be, but we don't allow time and space for them to show us who they are. People will eventually reveal themselves if you allow them to.

18. Unconditional love means accepting someone for who they are now, not who you hope they will be one day.

19.  You need to know the person God is bringing to you loves him first.

20.  The Wait is about being at peace with who you were, who you are and who you're becoming.

21. Pain doesn't just heal without attention. It waits beneath the surface and poisons everything in our lives. The solution is to reject the quick fix of a drink or a one nighter that temporarily dulls the pain.

22. Face the reasons why you're in pain.

23. If God means for you to be with someone, he will bring you together though the obstacles seem insurmountable.

24.  Heal the past: Reaching out to the people who have hurt you and making peace with them. It's difficult but it's the most effective way to forgive.

25. Forgiveness is power. By forgiving others for their treatment of you, you free yourself from anger, regret or guilt. You take back your power by taking the high ground. (God's Ground)

Meagan Good & Devon Franklin = Power couple. Love their story!!!
Keeping You Informed about Black Christian News


Monday, September 5, 2016

Dressing for Your Body Type Part 2

 So you figured out your body type GREAT! Now the real fun can begin. Knowing what your body type is can make shopping a little easier because you have a pretty good idea of what your looking for. Lets go through all the body types and what outfits work best for you. If you would like personal consulting services (offered only in the Cleveland,Oh area)  to see what your body shape is and where you can go to get clothing that flatters your body type feel free to email me directly at

1. Pear Shape:

Believe it or not but this is one of the most common shapes for women. My pear shape ladies tend to be more hippie than most and have a smaller bust, so finding the right pair of jeans/pants is critical. For a great business look try wide leg pants which create length to the lower body and also adds balances to your upper body as well.  Commonly known women with pear shaped figures are Kim Kardashian West , Beyonce and Alicia Keys.
 kim kardashian style | Kim Kardashian (March 2011 - June 2011) - Page 3 - the Fashion Spot: Beyonce looks pretty in pink! And by that we mean pretty FIERCE!: Alicia Keys...Killing Em with the Natural Hair and Green & Blue Outfit:

2.  Inverted Triangle Shape: 
My inverted triangles ladies you are typically more broad in the shoulder area. You want to stay away from shirts that have shoulder padding that can make you look more broad, shirts with massive embellishments, and shirts with puffed sleeves. For a great business look try V or U neck cardigans that are fitted and come just below the hip bone, shirts with a insinuated waist and even wide belts can do wondrous for you. Relaxed pants and boot cut jeans give you great balance as well.
 As you can see here, long blazers that stop at the hips are flattering to your V shaped body because it adds length to your torso that can sometimes feel to stumpy with certain tops. Pairing  this blazer with skinnies was a good choice to show off her slender legs.: Cameron Diaz Style and Fashion - Roland Mouret Cascada Dress - Celebrity Style Guide: sherri shepherd BET awards 2013 Red Carpet:                         

3. Apple Shaped:
First let me start by saying if you are determined to be an apple body type by all means necessary that DOESN'T MEAN YOUR FAT, BIG,BIG BONE  or anything else you can think of in that head of yours. To break it down it means your "top heavy". Apple shaped women typically have a wide torso, broad shoulders, full bust, and waist. Meaning when this body type gains weight it's usually in their waistline. For a great business look try piecing together structured pieces such as blazers and tunics. Wearing shirts with details by the shoulders is also a way to draw attention up. Also try ruched tops and some high waisted skirts.
octavia - ruching creates a waist: My goal size, some say we look alike! Look of the Day: March 26, 2013 - Jennifer Hudson : Who says apple's can wear prints on top? See the beautiful shirt and how with the black jeans Drew shows off her asset by skimming even more - her legs. Plus this picture feels particularly non-airbrushed and a sweet smile so we love it!:                                   

4. Rectangle Shape: 
If you are a rectangle shape you are pretty much cut up and down and no where else in between, but that's okay! There are plenty of ways to create the illusion of curve appeal to the outfits you choose to wear and make it work for you.  We want to define your waist so tucked in shirts with a belt always look great on you, wearings jackets or cardigans that hit the waist also flatter your shape. Stay away from flared pants as they don't really create any definition for you. Instead try regular or low rise pants as they sit just above the hip and would give you a more flattering look. 
Eva Longoria Photos: InStyle and the CFDA Celebrate Brian Atwood at "Dinner with a Designer": maria menounos: Business casual done right. #refinery29  

5. Hour Glass Shape:
Last but not least. The shape every woman thinks they have lol, and it's okay because hour glass shapes also have things they should stray away from as well. For women with this body type the bust and hip are about the same size, and you probably have a narrow waist which naturally creates curve appeal for you. For a great business look pencils skirts, A-line skirts  and wrap dresses look great on you and shows off your narrow waist. Also try V neck tops they help to keep you in portion. Somethings to stay away from for your body type would be bulky fabric that can take away from your figure. 
Dress up in a colorful shirt dress that compliments your figure. #celebrity #style #muse: How to wear stripes on hour glass body: Gorgeous Natasha Romanoff: Scarlett Johansson:

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Dressing for your body type

    Now you may wonder why dressing for your body type is important or wonder why anyone would care. I mean as long as the clothes fit and you can button it that's all the matters right? WRONG! There's more than what meets the eyes. There are 5 main different body types/shapes which they are commonly referred to as apple, pear, hourglass, rectangle and inverted triangle. To know your accurate body type it's good to have a friend measure you. You want them to measure your bust, your waist and your hips and use the following below link to input your numbers to determine your body type.

Image result for 5 main body shapes

Friday, May 20, 2016

Mental BA$$ (MNBS)

 Inspired by Believers 

   Mental BA$$ is a brand based out of Cleveland. The brand was created and founded by co-owner Alphonzo Jones and a group of his friends. During our brief interview Alphonzo put a lot of emphases on how the people in his life really pushed him to continue on and pursue his vision, and here he is today making a way.
   MNBS is a unisex brand, so just like the men rock the brand women can equally do the same and show these fellas how to do it! You can buy anything from hats, t-shirts and hoodies etc. but if you don't believe me you can check out the dope-ness for yourself at the website.

    Check out our brief interview we had. He's definitely passionate about what he does. I love to see young people doing something fulfilling with their life and pursing a dream. Before we started filming we spoke a little about the "instant gratification" times that our generation is consumed in. A lot of us have a dream, but think it's suppose to happen in two weeks and when it doesn't we get discouraged and stop completely. I say all of that to say: each person that was placed on this earth has a gift. It might not be singing, dancing or being athletic, but it might be your way with words or the way you can inspire others etc. Whatever it might be channel it, pursue it, and most importantly stick with it and be consistent!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Are Men Made To Be Monogamous?

      In this current day and age it can be questionable if men have the capability to be monogamous. I would say many women question that due to how times have changed within the last 12 years or so. Social Media being one of the number one enemy's as to why many might have that mind set. Women......or if you use the famous word of this year (THOT) they have on less and less clothes, they are more open with show casing their sexuality and lets be honest.....they are also willing to do just about whatever, but can you really blame the men? They are said to be visual creatures and as Yo Gotti put it " It goes down in the DM."

    Depending on what's under going in that man's life it's hard to keep a straight head and keep your hand out the cookie jar when it's consistently thrown and flaunted in your face. By all means I'm not excusing the behavior but presenting the case so you also see the other side. 

    In my humble opinion I feel a man will be monogamous for the right woman that god has chosen for him. We live in instant gratification times where we don't have to WAIT LONG for a number of things. I say this to the ladies: Stop getting caught up in needing to get married before thirty, stop jumping into pointless and meaningless relationships because your lonely, don't settle or excuse his bad behavior because he's cute or fine. Have standards, but be realistic. Don't ask a man to be able to fly to moon if you can't do the same.

    "We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience and persistence."   

If you want to take part in the interview process for part II please send me a email ( .

Also subscribe and like my video on youtube :] 


Monday, August 19, 2013

Are you in the in between stages of your hair journey? Yea me too! Watch my how to video on how to get a bun and make it look bigger than it actually is. This style takes me no more than 5-10 minutes, and plus it's a great protective style for those who like less manipulation. If you have any request or questions feel free to leave them on the video. My channel is