Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rising Fashion


I N T R O D U C I N G 

Huy Tran is the designer of the line, but he has a excellent team to assistant him. The line is fairly new. It's edgy, It's chic, It's modern, It's everything today's young women want. The designer his self took time out to answer some of my questions. He's a very intriguing person, and I'm personally looking forward to see more designs.

1. Where are you from? 
I was born in the Philippines and raised in the USA.

2. How did you start designing? 
I wanted to do something that I really loved and designing was it!

3. Has design been something you've always wanted to do? 
It was something I always 
enjoyed doing but never thought of it as a career.


4. How long have you been in the business?

Designing, 5 years. AmareSinh, 1 year.

5. What school did you attend?
6. Who's your target market?

20-35. Young spirited, working, professional women who love fashion and effortlessly adds her own touch of style to her everyday life.

7. What was your inspiration for your line?
I did not have a specific inspiration. It started out with an existing garment that I wanted to reinvent and make it look modern and fresh. From there I put together a line that was sleek and sexy with touches of fur and asymmetrical cuts.

8. How did you get involved with fashion week

We asked a simple question to the board, “can we be in fashion week?” and from there they liked our designs and ideas and said that we can be apart of it.

9. Where can we find/buy your clothing
We’re currently sold online, but will be in stores this soon!

10. Have you considered doing any pop up stores?
I would love to do pop up stores, but it requires a lot of up front costs that is not currently in our budget.

11. What are your price points?
12. What do you like most about your job?

Designing! I love every aspect of it. Sometimes I feel like I want to give up but when the end results are amazing it gives me a boost of confidence and strength to push further.


13. What are some of your goals your looking forward to accomplish this year? 
To create a better collection for Spring 2012 and to get greater brand awareness.

14. Who are some of your favorite designers and why?
I love Prada, it’s clean simple and just what I would wear if i can afford it. Lol! Generally, I think there are too many good designers that I can’t say one is better than the other. They all have their unique look, though I may not see it on myself, I really appreciate their design and creativity. i.e martin margiela, junya watanabe, vivienne westwood etc.

15. Do you guys as a team plan your fashion events together?
YES! It’s important that we do because every opinion counts and usually the end results are much better.

16. What are some difficulties that come along with working as a group?
When we don’t share common ideas it becomes conflicting, but usually it’s easily resolved.

17. What do you love about working as team?
SUPPORT! I wouldn’t be able to do it without them. They push me and it encourages me to be a better designer - to not give up and to go to the furthest extent to achieve.

If you would like more information on the clothing line or to see the clothing line check out their sites


AmareSinh said...

Dear Ajay, Thanks for much for your time and work for this! We are linking to it from our facebook account, twitter account, and here on our blog:

Thanks so much. Xx

Ajay said...

No! Thank you! This is what I love to do so no problem. Looking forward to seeing all your success.

AmareSinh said...

Hi Ajay, Thanks for your response! Did you see the video Huy did?

Ajay said...

I seen one video of him giving a little background info on his self, but i'll check this on out too.

Ajay said...

Thanks! I like your blog as well. You have a new follower :)